
Dr. John C. J. Hsiao, BA, OD, FIACLE, FAAO

北美 眼科視光學博士


蕭清仁 博士畢業於加拿大頂尖名校-Queen’s University(生命科學系、數學系雙學士) & School of Optometry,Waterloo University(眼科視光學醫師學位),領有加拿大卑斯省、安大略省眼科視光學雙重醫師執照,美國國家眼科視光醫師公會”眼疾治療證書”(TMOD)。曾經(於1991~2000年間)在加拿大溫哥華創立並經營多間眼科視光診所且執業多年,在當地頗具盛名及擁有廣大客戶群。如今回台任職於台灣中山醫學大學視光學系副教授 & 台北諾貝爾眼科視光中心”指導教授”及”特約顧問”;在國際組織上,擔任: 美國眼科視光醫師學會(American Academy of Optometry)- FELLOW(會士)、國際隱形眼鏡教育者學會(International Association of Contact Lens Educators)-前亞太區副主席 & FELLOW(會士)、美國Puerto Rico 眼科視光醫學院海外實習臨床指導教授、多家國際隱形眼鏡公司及大陸醫科大學之”意見領袖”暨”眼視光醫學專業顧問” & 加拿大溫哥華市”Vison Med”近視雷射中心指定視光門診醫師。

蕭清仁 教授是目前台灣極少數擁有北美OD (Doctor of Optometry) 學位的學者之一,同時又擁有台灣部定副教授的身分,所以是一位經驗豐富而且兼具北美眼科視光醫學臨床技術 & 學術研究專業背景的專家。許多台灣知名眼科診所、醫院之專業視光師 & 多所大專學院之視光系講師、助理教授或系主任皆是蕭博士與其同事在中山醫大視光系所教導出來的的學生。

蕭教授主要的研究臨床領域為:近視控制、學童視力、高透氧硬式隱形眼鏡 (含特殊設計)、角膜塑型鏡片(Ortho-k)、圓錐角膜、近視雷射矯正手術術前與術後評估。

Dr. John Hsiao is a native of Taipei, Taiwan.

Dr. Hsiao left Taipei at the age of 13 immigrating to Vancouver, BC. Canada.  There he attended a private school, Relevant High, and graduated 1st in his class in 1983 on the honor roll.  At the same year, Dr. Hsiao was accepted to Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada with 2 consecutive years of Tri-Color Scholarship.  During his time at Queens University, he was elected as Social Convener of the Queen’s Chinese Student Assoc.  Dr. Hsiao graduated from Queen’s in 1987 with a Bachelors degree in Life Science and Mathematics.

Dr. Hsiao then applied to Waterloo University, the only English-speaking Optometry school of Canada in 1987 and graduated in 1991.  During his Optometry studies, he did an internship in 1990 in Hong Kong at the Optometry Clinic of the PolyTechnic University and Williams Hospital in Shatin.  As a matter of fact, Dr. Hsiao was the second Taiwanese person to graduate from the University of Waterloo, School of Optometry.

Dr. Hsiao obtained his Optometry licenses in 1991 to practice in both provinces of Ontario and British Columbia (B.C.), Canada.  During his 10 years of practice in Vancouver, B.C., he was an executive member of the Young Taiwanese Assoc. He also volunteered with the Third World Eyecare Society in the Dominican Republic where he supervised interns, gave eye examinations and supplied corrective lenses to the needy.

After 1 yr. of partnership in operating an optometry clinic in Coquitlam Center, BC, Canada, Dr. Hsiao established and managed two new optometry clinics in Langley and Richmond, BC during the years of 1993-2000.  In his practice years, he employed several doctors of Optometry and specialized in Contact Lenses, Children’s vision, Refractive Laser Co-Management and Primary vision and eye care. He also devoted his time to visiting senior homes to provide eye exams to the infirm. In addition, Dr. Hsiao participated in Lectures run by Success, a non-profit Chinese organization cater towards new immigrants.  His part in these lectures is as a forum speaker, on topics such as general eye and vision care.  Dr. Hsiao is well known both personally and professionally in the Vancouver Chinese Community.

Due to family reason, Dr. Hsiao immigrated back to Taiwan in Oct of 2000. Currently, Dr. Hsiao works as the chief optometric clinician of Taipei Nobel Eye Center and an associate professor in the Faculty of Optometry, Chung Shan Medical University.  Academically, Dr. Hsiao is also the fellow of American Academy of Optometry (FAAO) and International Association of Contact Lens Educators (FIACLE), the professional consultant/speaker of Taiwan Johnson, Bausch & Lomb Contact Lens Company and Grace Franchisee Optical and Honorable Advisor to Tianjin & Nanjing Medical University Hospitals in mainland China.
